Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Thursday, December 24, 2015

GOD's Greatest Gift

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 NKJV It's CHRISTmas Eve--granted it is 80 degrees & my AC is running, but that is how weather in the South is...unpredictable! CHRISTmas doesn't have the significance it once did in this country. There was a time when it was revered as a Holy holiday, a celebration of GOD's greatest gift to mankind--His Only Begotten Son, Jesus. Sadly, things have changed over the years. First, we turned it into a highly commercialized gift-giving season that was hardly recognizable as CHRISTmas. Then, political correctness crept in and anything remotely "religious" was deemed intolerant of other faiths or of those who choose the live by the misguided notion that there is no GOD at all. Frankly, I find it easier to be tolerant of those who believe in a different GOD more so than those who say there is no Creator, no Supreme Being at all. But, that's a different message altogether. America began as a Christian nation & our roots are in the Christian faith. That being said, it was GOD Who gave the first & greatest gift with the intention and plan that Jesus would be the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the all mankind. Jesus came as a baby in a manger. Because of that, the Jewish people who had long awaited the Promised Messiah, failed to recognize Him. He didn't fit their perception of the Warrior King who they expected to save them by military force. Additionally, they struggled to see Jesus for who He was because he seemed to be a peasant prophet who befriended the lowly and downcast of the world instead of mingling with the wealthy and mighty, the royalty of the time. How could He be who He claimed to be if he associated with prostitutes and tax collectors? Surely if He was the Son of GOD, He would choose his company more carefully. What kind of GOD would send such a person to save them? There had to be a mistake. Then, there's the Three Wise Men who we mistakenly put in our nativity scenes but who actually came when Jesus was between 1-2 years old to bring their gifts and worship of the young Savior King. The gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh had a purpose. Gold, a precious metal, was given as symbolic of His Divinity--the fact that He was GOD Incarnate. Frankincense was burned as a fragrant offering to GOD in worship--symbolizing His sacrifice, His willingness to offer Himself up. Myrrh was a spice used in embalming--signifying suffering and affliction, the bitterness and pain He would endure and His impending death. It is from these gifts that the tradition of giving gifts originates. Because GOD loved, He gave. Because we love, we give gifts to those we love--the people who play an important role in our lives. The giving of gifts has become over done in our society, often done to cater to already spoiled children, to show off and give the illusion that we possess more materially than we actually do, or sometimes out of a sense of obligation--not necessarily for the right reasons. However, GOD's gift was given with motive of providing our salvation. The only catch is that we have to accept it as the free gift it is. Skeptical beings that we are, we seem to struggle with the idea that something free can really be valuable. If it is something worthwhile, surely there has to be a cost of some sort, right? Therein lies the reason that so many miss out on God's Greatest Gift, Jesus. We need to have the faith of a child & we tend to lose those child-like qualities as we age and become suspicious & cynical in our thinking. But, it is absolutely free--a gift given in love by a loving GOD whose desire is that we, as His children, freely receive and accept that gift without doubting Him and His motives. We were created to worship and fellowship with Him as a loving Father. If only we cold accept Him, worship and adore Him as He deserves, and give Him the honor He is worthy of. Granted, December 25 is not the date of Jesus' birth. Bible scholars and historians indicate that Jesus was born at a completely different time of year. However, it is when those of the Christian faith choose to celebrate the birth of our Savior--The Savior who came as a baby, grew into a man of compassion who reached out to those in need and then died a criminal's death so He could overcome death, Hell and the grave to provide the atonement for our sins and make a way for sinful man to reconcile himself to a Holy GOD. Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD, Our Savior, Our Healer, Our Provider, our absolute everything--is the greatest gift this world has ever known or will ever know. Of course, we should acknowledge GOD's Greatest Gift all the time--but especially at CHRISTmas time. So, while you are making merry with friends & family--remember to keep Jesus in your celebration. Thanks be to GOD for His indescribable gift! (2 Corinthains 9:15 NKJV) Merry CHRISTmas and blessings! Tony

Monday, December 21, 2015

GOD is Still at Work...

"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" Luke 2:14 NKJV Peace on earth...goodwill toward men...? In looking at the condition of our world today, it is hard to envision peace & goodwill. In a world of chaos & craziness that seems completely out of control, GOD is still at work. As we walk through the heartache & pain of damaged relationships, the loss of a loved one, financial problems, family issues, etc., GOD is still at work. When life has more valleys than mountaintops and the roller-coaster ride makes it hard to hang on, GOD is still at work. Yes, I am quite aware that I am repeating myself with the phrase, "GOD is still at work." I am trying to make the point that even in the worst circumstances, GOD is still at work. He is ever present in our lives. He hasn't abandoned us in any way. He has a perfect plan for each of us. The problem is...well, us. He created us with free will--a wonderful gift that has back-fired completely on mankind. You see, He desires that we would follow Him, worship Him, need & desire Him--but, He wants us to CHOOSE Him rather than be forced to submit to Him. Forced submission equals slavery while freedom to choose equals servanthood instead. Slaves have to do whatever the master dictates. Servants choose to serve others and put the other person's needs ahead of their own. It is actually very simple--humans have complicated things by trying to have their own way rather than follow GOD's plan. Many people see the Bible as restrictive, but GOD meant it to be protective. He isn't depriving us of anything but rather is instructing us on how to have fullness and abundance in & through Him. Remember John 10:10? Here it is..."The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." We often blame GOD for the bad things in our lives when He is not the one to blame. The devil is the one who is intent on destroying us, but often our own poor decisions cause our problems. If only we could learn to live by GOD's Word...what a wonderful world it would be. If we lived life seeking GOD's Will & Plan rather than doing our own thing & making a royal mess of things, He could accomplish so much in our lives and through our lives as a witness to others. We are called to be salt & light to the world, but we are often more negative than positive, more dark than light, and any seasoning we add is too spicy for His intentions. We shoot ourselves in the foot, disgrace Him, and often repel rather than attract others. Yet, in spite of us, GOD is still at work and His goals will be accomplished with our without us. I, for one, want to be on the right team. I want to be doing His Will. I want to be reflecting His light. I want to be pointing others towards Him rather than driving them away. I want to be working with Him, rather than against Him--because if you aren't for Him, you are against Him and siding with Satan instead. There is no middle ground, no straddling the fence--there are only two sides. You are with GOD or opposing GOD with the devil and his minions. Whatever our choice, GOD is still at work... Blessings! Tony

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What Happened to Thankfulness?

"Sing praise to the Lord, You saints of His, And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name. For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:4-5 NKJV It has been some time since I posted in my blog--months, as a matter of fact. Regardless, I have been giving much thought to the Thanksgiving holiday. The word "Holiday" is derived from Holy Day. Once upon a time, the world recognized days that had holy significance. It was Abraham Lincoln who originally called for setting aside a day of Thanksgiving. Who knew that a century & a half later America would be so mired in selfishness and greed that the idea of being thankful would be a foreign concept? True, as a nation, we have progressed in many ways. However, all change has not been for the better. In my lifetime, I recall there being far more patriotism, far more recognition of history, far more family-oriented entertainment and holiday gatherings, and far more worship of GOD and thankfulness for His blessings and provision. Was it all good? No, life is a process. There is pain in the process, but there is purpose in the pain. People come into our lives and people leave us, sometimes via relocation to other parts of the country & world or through physical death and entrance into their eternal reward. Sometimes, families are fractured by separation or divorce, and sometimes disagreements or poor life choices cause rifts in relationships which distance us from those we thought would always be part of our lives. Obviously, reconciliation is possible as long as both parties are living & open to the possibility. Shame is that most of the time, neither wants to be the one to initiate the needed reconciliation. When we lose someone to death, their memory can be pleasant to recall but their absence often screams and echoes in the very depth of our being. Hurt, heartache and even death are a part of living. I feel certain that those who have departed this life would not want us to mourn them to the extreme and throw ourselves into depression over their absence from this life--especially those who have entered Heaven's gates and the glorious splendor of eternity with the Lord. Weeping is short-lived but joy is eternal because the joy of the Lord is our strength. It's time that we turned the clock back and got back to the basics of life--GOD, Family and Country. We must count our blessings instead of our crosses and learn once again to treat all people with respect. While we're at it, can we take holiday one at a time & enjoy each one for what it is and what it means? Thanksgiving is a time for just that--the giving of thanks. We can't observe it properly if we are decorating for Christmas right after the Fourth of July. Take time for the holidays, especially the Holy of the holidays, and be thankful for what GOD has done in and through us while we hope for the fulfillment of His holy calling on each of our lives. Thanksgiving is the time for togetherness and celebration of GOD's goodness. He is The Great Shepherd and we are the sheep of His pasture. He wants to give us the desires of our hearts. May this Thanksgiving be a time of restoration, reconciliation, healing, wholeness, peace and thankfulness for you & yours. Blessings!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Golden Rule...?

"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31 NIV Ah, The Golden Rule... This raises several questions in my mind--do we really treat people the way we ourselves would like to be treated? Are we fair? Non-judgmental? Consistent in our dealings with others? Do we forgive? Do we slander & gossip? Do we befriend the friendless? Feed the hungry? Clothe the naked? Care for widows & orphans? Are we the type of people others can come to in a time of need? And lastly, do we follow the example of Jesus? I find that in my own life, it is easy to like the likable people and especially those who are similar to us. Birds of a feather, you know. It is easy to befriend those who are the outgoing, life of the party types. It is convenient to have friends who have resources--money and material possessions that we can utilize and benefit from ourselves because they are made available to us by our friends. It is nice to have friends who are known & in high-profile positions. After all, it's not what you know but who you know that is important. Really? Is that what being a Christian is all about? I don't think so. Jesus Himself said He was the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy, "The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor" Luke 4:18-19 NIV As Christians, are we not to imitate Jesus? Did Jesus not minister to the needs of the poor, heal the sick, preach to all who would listen to His message? Didn't Jesus befriend the lowly, the outcasts, the prostitutes, and thieves? Wasn't it Jesus who said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven? Now, am I saying that we can't have money, that we can't have possessions, that to be a Christian means we have to take a vow of poverty? No, not at all. My interpretation is simply that we should treat all people the same, regardless of their social class, etc. I don't think GOD is opposed to us having things. I think He is opposed to those things having us because even seemingly good things can become an idol in our lives and interfere with our relationship with GOD. I don't think we should be friends with someone simply for what we can gain from the relationship--that makes us shallow. I also do not subscribe to the name it and claim it/prosperity teachings. I do believe GOD wants us to prosper, but I think He knows what we can handle and what will trip us up. Didn't Jesus tell us that if we are first faithful in the small things, then we'll be faithful in the larger things? (my paraphrase here) If He cannot trust us with little, He will never bless us with much. Did I take a major rabbit trail here, or what? Getting back on topic, my conclusion is that we should treat ALL people the way we ourselves would like to be treated. We cannot be the hands & feet of Jesus if we are selective in who we share Him with. We need to be inclusive rather than exclusive. We cannot show favoritism to those who have more and bypass those who have less. After all, we are all sinners on an earthly journey and heavenward bound--and we are all commissioned to bring as many with us as possible. That includes the poor, the blind, the maimed, etc. Something to think about... Blessings! Tony

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Snapshots in my Mind...

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV I haven't written in my blog for some time, so I decided it was time to do it again. I've had a challenging life--one where everything that could go wrong seems to have done just that. Much has plagued me lately--thoughts of all the bad choices I made along the way, thoughts of all the pain & loss in my life, things I wish I could go back & do differently--but I know that isn't possible. So, I have to accept what is in the past & live each day expecting GOD to do something great for, with or through me. Thankfully, I know that this is just a time of testing & if I remain faithful, GOD will honor my faithfulness and reward me accordingly. Still, it is as if I go through a mental photo album of my life. I have memories of my youth, which was mostly happy until I reached my teen years & began doing some seriously stupid things and making a multitude of bad choices. I have memories of my parents & grandparents, aunts & uncles, siblings, cousins, nephews & nieces, and especially of my own children as they grew up. Then of course, there's the various jobs I've held and the different homes I've lived in along the way. There are memories & regrets of a miserable failure of a marriage & memories of a wonderfully loving wife that I lost prematurely to death. There are memories of trips I've taken, places & things I've seen, people I've met along the way, experiences--both good & bad. Do I have hopes & dreams still? Yes, without a doubt! I don't profess to see into the future in any way, so that leaves me wondering at times as to what the future holds in store. I am very much a planner by nature & that trait challenges my faith at times. While I trust GOD and know that He will take care of me, that He will open and/or close doors along the way, that He will not allow anything to touch my life that is not first filtered through His hands--it is still a struggle to recite The Serenity Prayer and accept the things I cannot change and find the courage to change the things I can. Yes, along the path of my life I have attended many an AA meeting because of my past alcohol problems. Growing up, my dad always told me that hard-headed people learn things the hard-headed way. I sure worked hard to prove that because the only way I seemed to learn was by messing up & falling flat on my face. Sadly, I knew at an early age that GOD had a plan, a purpose and a calling on my life--but I refused to surrender to His way. Had I only done things His way from the start, my life would have turned out so much differently. However (and thankfully!), GOD allows detours and U-turns on the road of life and somehow, He has used even my worst failures to bring glory to Him, to shape & mold me and as a means to minister to others. He is just good like that! So, I choose to look forward instead of backward, I choose to praise rather than complain, and I choose to be used by GOD in any & all possible ways. How about you? Blessings! Tony

Friday, January 16, 2015

Love & Light or Hatred & Darkness?

"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." John 3:19-21 NIV Darkness cannot drive out the dark because darkness is simply the absence of light. Similarly, hatred cannot drive out hate because hate is the absence of love. Darkness cannot exist when there is light just like hate cannot exist where love is present. Why is it that our world today thinks the way to deal with evil is to do more evil still? Evil is the absence of good. Less than a hundred years ago, a dictator deemed an entire race of people as evil and unequal. His solution was simply to exterminate them--and he tried. Other countries of the world rose up to stop him but not before he murdered some six million men, women & children. The dictator happened to be German. Does that mean all Germans are bad? No, not at all. The victims were Jews, God's chosen people. Were they all good? No, I'm sure they weren't. Right here in the US some fifty years or so ago, black citizens were denied basic rights by white citizens who saw themselves as superior. The blacks were beaten, ridiculed & killed in a supposed effort to protect the white race. Were the blacks inferior in any way? No, they weren't. Were the whites superior because of the color of their skin? No, not by any means. Less than 20 years ago, Muslim terrorists hijacked airplanes and flew them into the World Trade Center Towers in New York City in an act of holy gihad against the evil Empire of the United States of America. Are all Muslims murderers? No, I happen to personally know people of the Muslim faith who are peace-loving people. You see, evil presents itself in many ways. A person's race or nationality doesn't determine if he or she is good or bad, that person's heart is the determining factor. We all have the capacity for good & evil. Senseless acts of terror are committed on a daily basis. Most of us tend to associate mostly with those we see as like us in most respects. We fear what appears different or what we don't understand. Could it be that Satan uses these perceived differences to create fear and cause mankind to teach hatred instead of love? I'm a Christian man. I'm supposed to live a life above reproach, a life of good character, of integrity and above all, a life of love. If I pass judgement on a person becasue of his/her skin color or ethnic or religious background, am I living a life of love or am I perpetuating the cycle of hatred that has been prevalent for centuries? Seriously, what would Jesus do? Something to think about... Blessings! Tony