Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Monday, December 21, 2015

GOD is Still at Work...

"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" Luke 2:14 NKJV Peace on earth...goodwill toward men...? In looking at the condition of our world today, it is hard to envision peace & goodwill. In a world of chaos & craziness that seems completely out of control, GOD is still at work. As we walk through the heartache & pain of damaged relationships, the loss of a loved one, financial problems, family issues, etc., GOD is still at work. When life has more valleys than mountaintops and the roller-coaster ride makes it hard to hang on, GOD is still at work. Yes, I am quite aware that I am repeating myself with the phrase, "GOD is still at work." I am trying to make the point that even in the worst circumstances, GOD is still at work. He is ever present in our lives. He hasn't abandoned us in any way. He has a perfect plan for each of us. The problem is...well, us. He created us with free will--a wonderful gift that has back-fired completely on mankind. You see, He desires that we would follow Him, worship Him, need & desire Him--but, He wants us to CHOOSE Him rather than be forced to submit to Him. Forced submission equals slavery while freedom to choose equals servanthood instead. Slaves have to do whatever the master dictates. Servants choose to serve others and put the other person's needs ahead of their own. It is actually very simple--humans have complicated things by trying to have their own way rather than follow GOD's plan. Many people see the Bible as restrictive, but GOD meant it to be protective. He isn't depriving us of anything but rather is instructing us on how to have fullness and abundance in & through Him. Remember John 10:10? Here it is..."The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." We often blame GOD for the bad things in our lives when He is not the one to blame. The devil is the one who is intent on destroying us, but often our own poor decisions cause our problems. If only we could learn to live by GOD's Word...what a wonderful world it would be. If we lived life seeking GOD's Will & Plan rather than doing our own thing & making a royal mess of things, He could accomplish so much in our lives and through our lives as a witness to others. We are called to be salt & light to the world, but we are often more negative than positive, more dark than light, and any seasoning we add is too spicy for His intentions. We shoot ourselves in the foot, disgrace Him, and often repel rather than attract others. Yet, in spite of us, GOD is still at work and His goals will be accomplished with our without us. I, for one, want to be on the right team. I want to be doing His Will. I want to be reflecting His light. I want to be pointing others towards Him rather than driving them away. I want to be working with Him, rather than against Him--because if you aren't for Him, you are against Him and siding with Satan instead. There is no middle ground, no straddling the fence--there are only two sides. You are with GOD or opposing GOD with the devil and his minions. Whatever our choice, GOD is still at work... Blessings! Tony

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