Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Thursday, December 24, 2015

GOD's Greatest Gift

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 NKJV It's CHRISTmas Eve--granted it is 80 degrees & my AC is running, but that is how weather in the South is...unpredictable! CHRISTmas doesn't have the significance it once did in this country. There was a time when it was revered as a Holy holiday, a celebration of GOD's greatest gift to mankind--His Only Begotten Son, Jesus. Sadly, things have changed over the years. First, we turned it into a highly commercialized gift-giving season that was hardly recognizable as CHRISTmas. Then, political correctness crept in and anything remotely "religious" was deemed intolerant of other faiths or of those who choose the live by the misguided notion that there is no GOD at all. Frankly, I find it easier to be tolerant of those who believe in a different GOD more so than those who say there is no Creator, no Supreme Being at all. But, that's a different message altogether. America began as a Christian nation & our roots are in the Christian faith. That being said, it was GOD Who gave the first & greatest gift with the intention and plan that Jesus would be the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the all mankind. Jesus came as a baby in a manger. Because of that, the Jewish people who had long awaited the Promised Messiah, failed to recognize Him. He didn't fit their perception of the Warrior King who they expected to save them by military force. Additionally, they struggled to see Jesus for who He was because he seemed to be a peasant prophet who befriended the lowly and downcast of the world instead of mingling with the wealthy and mighty, the royalty of the time. How could He be who He claimed to be if he associated with prostitutes and tax collectors? Surely if He was the Son of GOD, He would choose his company more carefully. What kind of GOD would send such a person to save them? There had to be a mistake. Then, there's the Three Wise Men who we mistakenly put in our nativity scenes but who actually came when Jesus was between 1-2 years old to bring their gifts and worship of the young Savior King. The gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh had a purpose. Gold, a precious metal, was given as symbolic of His Divinity--the fact that He was GOD Incarnate. Frankincense was burned as a fragrant offering to GOD in worship--symbolizing His sacrifice, His willingness to offer Himself up. Myrrh was a spice used in embalming--signifying suffering and affliction, the bitterness and pain He would endure and His impending death. It is from these gifts that the tradition of giving gifts originates. Because GOD loved, He gave. Because we love, we give gifts to those we love--the people who play an important role in our lives. The giving of gifts has become over done in our society, often done to cater to already spoiled children, to show off and give the illusion that we possess more materially than we actually do, or sometimes out of a sense of obligation--not necessarily for the right reasons. However, GOD's gift was given with motive of providing our salvation. The only catch is that we have to accept it as the free gift it is. Skeptical beings that we are, we seem to struggle with the idea that something free can really be valuable. If it is something worthwhile, surely there has to be a cost of some sort, right? Therein lies the reason that so many miss out on God's Greatest Gift, Jesus. We need to have the faith of a child & we tend to lose those child-like qualities as we age and become suspicious & cynical in our thinking. But, it is absolutely free--a gift given in love by a loving GOD whose desire is that we, as His children, freely receive and accept that gift without doubting Him and His motives. We were created to worship and fellowship with Him as a loving Father. If only we cold accept Him, worship and adore Him as He deserves, and give Him the honor He is worthy of. Granted, December 25 is not the date of Jesus' birth. Bible scholars and historians indicate that Jesus was born at a completely different time of year. However, it is when those of the Christian faith choose to celebrate the birth of our Savior--The Savior who came as a baby, grew into a man of compassion who reached out to those in need and then died a criminal's death so He could overcome death, Hell and the grave to provide the atonement for our sins and make a way for sinful man to reconcile himself to a Holy GOD. Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD, Our Savior, Our Healer, Our Provider, our absolute everything--is the greatest gift this world has ever known or will ever know. Of course, we should acknowledge GOD's Greatest Gift all the time--but especially at CHRISTmas time. So, while you are making merry with friends & family--remember to keep Jesus in your celebration. Thanks be to GOD for His indescribable gift! (2 Corinthains 9:15 NKJV) Merry CHRISTmas and blessings! Tony

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