Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Let Go of the Past!

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."Isaiah 43:18-19 Time sure passes quickly nowadays--it is New Year's Eve again. As we close the door on 2014 & look back on the year that is now past, let's be grateful for the good & relish in our accomplishments. Let us also accept the negative & learn from it as we move forward into a New Year, a new chapter in life. New Year's is a time for reflection, but it is also a time of anticipation. 2014 is done, with whatever it brought with it. For some--like myself, it was a year of change and a year of challenge. For others, it was a year of loss & mourning. For others, it was a good and prosperous year. And for others still, it brought a mixed bag of both good & bad. I saw the end of an era in my own life when I was released/retired on disability from AT&T because of back issues. My season working in telecommunications was good to me. It afforded me much, allowed me to raise & provide for my children & provided me with a means to take care of my wife during her illness and bury her upon her death. After many years, my heart was no longer there & I found my work meaningless & mundane. As that door closed, GOD saw fit to open a door for me to work in the ministry of Teen Challenge, where I had been working part-time for the past couple of years & found very rewarding. My income changed dramatically, but GOD is making provision for me daily and I have no reason to doubt He will continue to do so. My Social Security Disability was denied but is still possible. My attorney is diligently working to secure it for me and I know that it is part of GOD's plan for my life, it will happen & if not--well, I don't want it. I only want what it is GOD desires for me. I've learned that if I try to run ahead & help Him--I tend to make a royal mess of things. It is best to wait on Him. My life isn't what I thought it would be but regardless of that, I am blessed. I'm looking forward to what GOD has in store for me in 2015. I'm open to His Will & want nothing else. Many think I should be in a serious relationship--I' not opposed to it, but not seeking it. Many think I should move elsewhere--I will if GOD so leads. Many think they know what it best for my life--I trust GOD alone. Many think some of the things I do are completely nuts--they might be, but Jesus was seen as a radical & if I am imitating Him--maybe I need to be radical as well. Let us all bid farewell to 2014 and move into 2015 with a positive attitude & great expectations. "Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:15-20 Let us look forward rather than backward. We will only stumble in in our attempts to move forward if we are looking behind us instead of before us. My prayer is that 2015 is a year of blessings for us all and that we will conduct ourselves in such a way as to point others towards the cross of Christ. Blessings! Tony

Sunday, December 14, 2014

My CHRISTmas Wish...

"...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." Ephesians 4:1b-6 NIV I'm opinionated. I know it. Most of my friends & family know it well also. Here goes... CHRISTmas has become so overly commercialized that for all practical purposes, it has completely changed what people see as CHRISTmas. While there is nothing wrong with gathering with loved ones & exchanging gifts, it is my opinion that we've bought Satan's lie. We see the holidays as a time to celebrate, a time to party, a time for gluttony & drunkenness--a time for Santa and his elves and sleighs & reindeer--a time for anything & everything except what it originally celebrated--the birth of Christ. As Christians, we are expected to be tolerant of everything, everybody, & every behavior. However, no one is asked to be tolerant of us, of our beliefs, of our morals and especially of our Bible-based opinions about wrong & right. Granted, it is not our place to police the world. It is not our place to judge the world. However, it is our place to tell the world of a loving GOD Who sent His One & Only Son into this cruel world to serve as a sacrifice, an atonement for the sins of mankind. At CHRISTmas, we celebrate the beginning of that earthly, solitary, sinless life that was GOD Incarnate, Jesus Christ. How about we all put our judgements, our prejudices, our cultures aside and learn to love one another, to accept one another--regardless of race, regardless of nationality, regardless of religious background, regardless of denomination. Unity is what it's about. Our country is made of of the melding together of the multitudes of the world. We have much to be proud of. At the same time, we have much to be ashamed of. We are still a nation divided. After many years of racial unrest, for the most part we still segregate ourselves along ethnic lines. Even in our Houses of Worship, we separate ourselves as predominately caucasian churches, predominately black churches, predominately hispanic churches, predominately asian churches--I think you get the idea. On top of that, we separate ourselves by denomination--there are Baptist churches, Methodist Churches, Pentecostal churches, Catholic churches, etc., etc., etc. I fully believe each church exists to reach a certain segment of society that only that body can minister to. There is nothing wrong there. What is wrong is that churches act as if they are in competition with one another. They point their boney finger of righteous indignation towards one another & speak ill of pastors, churches, denominations or complete races of people. Somehow, I can't see this as the spotless church, the bride that awaits the Return of Christ. Let's learn to love and accept one another, faults and all, and come together in a spirit of unity for the cause of Christ. We are not fighting one another. Together, we should be standing against the god of this world and sharing the message of hope and love with a world bound for Hell. This is the cause for which Jesus was born, for which He died. It'd be nice to honor the season of His birth by living in a spirit of love--the love that compelled GOD to give the greatest gift of all. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 GOD has a plan, a purpose for every life He creates. We squander His precious gifts and spend our time on earth quarreling and fighting amongst ourselves when we are called to be a people of peace--especially during this season of peace. While it'd be nice to make it a year-round thing, the CHRISTmas season is a good place to start. Let us truly love one another without regard to our differences. This is my CHRISTmas Wish. Something to think about.. Blessings! Tony

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Grateful Thanksgiving

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:15-17 NIV Thanksgiving is upon us & as always, I'm trying to remember to be thankful in all and for all things. My life certainly hasn't turned out the way I had planned, but I know GOD has blessed and will continue to bless me--often in spite of myself. Sometimes, this happy-go-lucky, laid-back & easy-going guy can be a real grumpy Gus. Sometimes, the problems of life are self-inflicted & sometimes, the choices or actions of others cause or at least contribute to my frustrations. Still, I know that my GOD can make a message from a mess & turn tragedy into triumph and He does so on a daily basis. So, who am I to doubt Him? Hasn't He promised never to leave or forsake me? I find it so easy to allow negativity to overcome me and whine about all the things I see myself as lacking instead of being thankful for the many good things in my life. Fact is, I am undeserving of anything good. I allowed the god of this world to have & use me for many years & had I died while I was living that lifestyle--I would have busted Hell wide open. However, GOD had a plan for my life & a plan to turn all the negatives into positives so I would be in a place to minister to others living destructive lifestyles. He has blessed me with a great family. He allowed me to share part of my life with an amazing and godly woman, who is now enjoying the eternal life with GOD that we all long for. He has blessed me with some wonderful friends & allowed me to enjoy many adventures & experiences that a lot of people miss out on. Most of all, He has loved me, cared for me and protected me when I didn't deserve it. So, as we gather with family & friends today to enjoy our Thanksgiving meal, let us remember to be truly thankful for all GOD has done and for the multitude of blessings He allows us to enjoy in this life. Be thankful--that is my goal, today & always. How about you...? Blessings! Tony

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Do I do enough?

"Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter." Proverbs 24:11 NKJV I attended a men's conference & retreat last weekend & really enjoyed it. I was with a large group of guys (staff & students) from Teen Challenge, where I am blessed to work and serve. It was a time of refreshing, a time of fellowship, a time of worship, and a time of challenge. The speaker presented great messages and gave me a lot of food for thought. While I've always thought I was a pretty good guy and that I served GOD & my fellow man well, I realized that there is always more work to be done, more souls to be reached for the Kingdom, more ministries & missions to support. The more I thought about it, the more I understood that I can never do enough. I can't repay, even in part, what GOD did for me in sacrificing His Son for ME. I realized that even though I tithe, even though I pray, even though I minister to others--I can never do enough! I realized I must drink daily of the living water of the Spirit so that I might be continually filled in such a way that the Spirit overflows from me and onto & into those I come in contact with. That same Spirit that filled Jesus as He prepared for His earthly ministry is available to me, is available to you, is available to all who are willing to be humbly submitted to & used by GOD. He expects it, He commands it, and He promises to provide us what we need to do it. We just have to step outside of our comfort zone & allow ourselves to be stretched, to grow and serve and love with all we have so others will see Christ in us. The world would be a better place if we simply followed the plans laid out for us in GOD's Word. Jesus said we would do far greater things than He did but we have settled for mediocrity and complacency instead of storming the gates of hell like we are supposed to. It's time for me to draw my sword and charge into the battle, giving all I have to serve the Lord and His people. It's time for the church to get serious about doing the work of GOD instead of sitting comfortably in our buildings going through the motions of "church" while the people of the world are dying & plunging into hell. It is our duty as Christians to show them the way to GOD. If we don't, who will? Something to ponder... Be blessed! Tony

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I am Judas...

"Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." And they said, "What is that to us? You see to it!" Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself." Matthew 27:3-5 It is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, the cost of a common slave. I find it ironic that only shortly before that, Jesus had washed the feet of the disciples--something that was commonly done by a servant/slave. Once he realized that he was wrong, he went back to the Chief Priest to return the money. However, the damage was already done. Jesus had been sentenced to die by crucifixion. Judas threw the money down & ran away to hang himself. He died a horrible and lonely death. This man who had lived & walked with Jesus in the flesh for over 3 years was so overcome by his greed that he betrayed the Son of GOD. Most people rightly have a low opinion of Judas, but I fear they fail to realize how much we as humans have in common with him. I know that I allow worldly things to interfere with my relationship with Jesus. Matthew 6:33-34 tell us, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Sadly, many of us--myself included--miss the mark on this. Worry seems to come naturally to us. Worry, however, shows a terrible lack of faith. Additionally, we let ourselves be weighed down by possessions, relationships, unnecessary debt, etc., things that drive a wedge between ourselves & the Lord. When we chase after material things, are we not betraying Jesus for those things? Do they not represent our own "thirty pieces of silver" in a way? When I allow those worldly influences to become idols in my life, I am effectively betraying Jesus all over again. He loved me enough to leave the splendor of Heaven, take on human flesh and die on a cruel Roman cross--all for me, all for you, all for humankind as a whole. When Satan tempted Him in the wilderness--he used position, possessions and food as bait. Jesus withstood those temptations using the Word of GOD as His weapon. When the devil tries to use those same tactics on us, we should also stand on the promises of GOD and His Word. The things this world has to offer us amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things. They are merely temporary. We can't take any of those things with us when we leave this world. What we should be doing is cultivating our relationship with GOD, reading His Word, ministering to His people & evangelizing the lost. Those are the things that will have eternal value and will allow us to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." (Matthew 25:23) Isn't that what we all desire? I know I do--I want to live a life that honors GOD so I'll be welcomed into Heaven when my time on earth is done. I can't do that if I value the things of the world more than I do my faith. If I do that, I am Judas... Something to ponder. Blessings! Tony

Sunday, June 22, 2014

In GOD We Trust?

"It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man." Psalms 118:8 NKJV In GOD we trust...a phrase that is printed on our currency in these United States, but do we really trust GOD? Our forefathers came to this great land in search of freedom--freedom from tyranny and religious oppression. This newly formed & liberated country honored GOD, revered GOD, trusted GOD, and looked to Him for guidance & direction in all things. As the winds of time & the winds of change blew, one thing remained true--GOD was the GOD of America. Various sects & denominations of the Christian faith came into being, They differed in their doctrines, but the core beliefs remained grounded in the Bible. Division did not conquer our faith. But, what happened? Was it the influx of foreigners who brought different religions into our culture? Was it the Hippie culture & the mind-altering drugs that became prominent in the 60s & 70s? Was it Rock & Roll music? Was it the Women's Lib movement? Was it decades of wealth & affluence that caused us as a country to lose our focus, our dependence on GOD? No, it was none of those things. It was a slow, methodical, attack of the enemy that convinced the American church it needed to be tolerant of new ideas--to accept new fads as the norm. And, we took the bait--hook, line & sinker. We became complacent--we settled for the things of the world instead of holding on to the things of GOD. When Clark Gable said "Damn" in Gone With the Wind, Americans were aghast. Look at what Hollywood puts out now and as Christians, not only do we not speak against it--we support it by seeing the trash they produce just as much as those who are lost do. I grew up watching The Wonderful World of Disney & these days, you can't even trust Disney to produce wholesome movies. Things that once were completely unacceptable have now become the norm in this land. Am I endorsing intolerance? No, I am not--just as Jesus went to the lost, the sick, the sinful people of His day--we should do the same. I think it is completely unChristian to be hateful or hurtful towards those with different beliefs & values from our own, but I do think we are to lovingly point them towards the Savior without compromising our own values in the process. We can't do that if we hate & berate them. GOD's Word says the world will know us by our love--our love for one another & our love for the lost. We've blown it and we've blown it big time! We can't even get along within the walls of our churches & within the Christian community, let alone with the outside world. Am I saying I am perfect? Good Heavens, no! I mess up far more often than I'd like to admit. I look at the temporal things of this world far too often rather than focusing on the eternal things of GOD. I can throw a major pity party when things don't go my way--I can whine, moan and complain like the best of them. I'm often trying to pull my foot out of my mouth or end up eating my own words--and can I tell you, they don't taste good! I've got Proverbs 3:5-6 hanging in my bedroom, where I see it before I close my eyes & as soon as I open them again--"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Lord knows I want to live by them, but life beats me up a lot and once again--I find myself looking at what appears real, rather than GOD, Who I know is real. Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, take a deep breath and face the realities of life head-on. GOD never promised us our earthly life would be easy. As a matter of fact, He tells us over & over again not to expect that--but to expect to be mistreated, spoken ill of, & that some of us would lose our lives for our faith. I fear America will soon come to exactly that--a place where Christianity is so despised that those who refuse to deny our faith will suffer not only persecution, but death for our beliefs. All of this because we accepted the lies of the devil and effectively surrendered rather than taking a stand and fighting for what we believe in. People sometimes call me a fanatic. Those who love me generally love me to the utmost & those who hate me, hate me just as intensely. There is rarely a middle ground--but I'm OK with that. I figure if Jesus loved me enough to die for me, the least I can do in return is to live for Him. That means accepting whatever this life holds in store--with all its uncertainties. all its pain. Let me say, Like King David did, "To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation..." Psalms 25:1-5 NKJV Where do you stand? Are you tired of being force-fed the things of this world? Are you willing to suffer for the cause of Christ? We all need to think about this now so the decision is made before the question is asked by someone with a sword or gun in hand... Something to ponder--I know what my answer will be. Blessings! Tony

Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Rose is a Rose...

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23 NKJV Pay close attention to that Scripture. Notice it doesn't say, "for some have sinned..." Nor does it say, "for most have sinned..." It specifically says, "for "ALL" have sinned..." (emphasis mine). That means no human being who has ever lived or ever will live--with the exception of Jesus Himself--is capable of living a sinless life. Therefore, we are all guilty of sin & deserving of death as a result. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Many people try to "pretty up" sin by calling it by a different name, but a rose by any other name is still a rose & regardless as to what one might choose to call it--sin is still sin. Some say it isn't sin, merely poor choices. Some say we are a product of our environment & therefore, someone or something else is to blame. Some cite inadequate education or employment opportunities as the reason for their moral failures (a.k.a. SIN). Some revert to the old Flip Wilson show's, "The devil made me do it!" However, every one of these excuses are just that--excuses. We can shift blame all we want in an effort to justify our sin, but the truth of the matter is that we alone are responsible for the choices we make. Now, granted--there are times when others' choices may put us at a disadvantage or hurt us either physically or financially. But, the trails & tribulations of life do not excuse us from from the decisions we make when we disobey the laws & commandments of GOD. Bear in mind also that all sin is sin in GOD's eyes. A "little white lie", the theft of a pack of chewing gum, or cheating on one's income taxes are sins just the same as robbery & murder. GOD sees the issue as purely black & white. Humans are the ones who muddy things up by declaring gray areas to minimize the conviction they feel when they know they have sinned. We often attempt to make ourselves feel better by convincing ourselves that we are not as guilty as others we know. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 has some harsh words, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." OUCH! Who do we think we are to judge other people by stricter standards than we have for ourselves? Seriously, how hypocritical can we be? Our standards don't matter--all of humanity will be judged by The Righteous Judge & according to GOD's standards... Thankfully, Jesus Christ--The Holy, Sinless, Spotless, Perfect, Son of GOD--according to Philippians 2:7-8, "...made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." Why? He did it for us! He willingly sacrificed Himself, taking the sins of the world on His precious body so that our sin would not be counted against us if only we would accept & believe in Him and make Him our Savior & Lord. You might be thinking, "That sounds good & all, Tony--but, what's the catch?" The beauty of it is that there is no catch! In all honesty, I'd be lying to you if I told you life's going to be great & you'll have no problems if you will simply trust in Jesus. The fact is that whether you are saved or lost, life can be challenging, painful & downright difficult st times. But, when you have the Holy Spirit living within you, GOD's Word to guide you and the love and support of the church, the family of GOD--the sucker punches Satan will hit you with, will be more easily managed because you aren't fighting it alone. Our burdens are lighter when they are shared. Many can carry a heavy load much easier than one alone can... Don't wait, don't hesitate, don't procrastinate. Cast your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you. But, He is a jealous GOD--He won't share you with the idols of sex, drugs, alcohol & greed. You have to be willing to forsake all to follow Him and when you invite Him in (Revelation 3:20), he'll be the one to answer your door when the world comes knocking. Satan will deceive you, use you & then, cast you into Hell for all eternity as a thank you for entrusting your life to him. Trust GOD today. If you've wandered away from Him, He will welcome you back--just confess your sin & trust your heart & life to Him. Share an eternal inheritance with Him and His Saints in Heaven's glory... Blessings! Tony

Friday, June 13, 2014

Comfort and Consolation

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ." 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 NKJV Do you ever wonder why trials & tragedies occur? Do you ever ask "Where was GOD when...?" Do you ever find it difficult to cling to your faith when life is beating you to a pulp? Well, I do. Yes, I admit it--I am a man of faith & a minister of the Gospel, but sometimes I struggle to understand why things happen, why GOD allows pain & suffering, why people rob, rape, & murder others, why there is sickness & death, why prejudices and social injustices exist, WHY? Why do some people seem to live lives of relative ease without seeming to have problems and other seem to be plagued by difficult circumstances & events throughout their lives? On a personal level--I fail to understand why has my life been touched by practically every situation the devil can throw at me. I look back over my life and wonder. I had pretty decent childhood. My parents remained married until my dad's death. It was the first & only marriage for both. I was raised in church. I went to a Christian school. I was a typical rebellious teenager. I strayed from my upbringing, got involved in drugs, alcohol & sex. I smoked & I got caught shoplifting. I wasn't a model child, but my picture didn't grace the Post Office walls either. My mother is still in denial--she still insists that I was a good kid. I guess that is what she chooses to believe or remember, rather than remembering finding cigarettes, pot, porn & alcohol in my room when i was a teen. OK, so I was a hellion--pure & simple. I outgrew all of it and turned out to be a somewhat decent human being. Still, my life has been touched by much adversity, many disappointments, and many tragedies--but GOD had His hand on me, even when I was deep in the stench of the world. I think all the problems I've encountered throughout life have made me understand & relate to people & their struggles. Isn't that what life is really all about? Truly, no man is an island. Each life touches so many others--either negatively or positively. I want to live in such a way that people know I am a Christian by my actions, speech & lifestyle. I want to be able to offer them the hope I have in Christ when they are facing hard times. I want them to know the peace that passes all understanding, the peace in knowing GOD is in control even when life seems to be spinning out of control--as it often does. GOD can use all things (Romans 8:28) for our good & His glory. I'm convinced that He allows some seemingly disastrous things into our lives to teach us, to stretch us, to grow us--so that when the time comes and others are facing life's difficulties, we can truly say, "I know how you feel, because I've been there and GOD brought me through it." We can say that with all genuineness and sincerity because it is part of the testimony of what GOD has done in our lives. Each life creates a ripple effect in the lives of those it comes in contact with. Think about that when you meet someone with different views, from a different background, from a different ethnic group, someone homeless, someone wealthy, someone hurting... We all have an opportunity each day to allow our lives & our testimonies to give hope to others. It's time we stopped selfishly thinking about ourselves & our comforts and reach out to a hurting world. One life can make a big difference--look at the life of Christ. Look at the life of Billy Graham. Look at the life of Rev Martin Luther King Jr. Look at the life of Mother Teresa. There are so many who made the choice to make a difference & what a difference they have made in this world. While our names may never be in the History books, rest assured--they will remain known to GOD & remain known to those whose lives we impacted, either negatively or positively... Be blessed! Tony

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Boast on GOD...

Thus says the Lord: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the Lord. Jeremiah 9:23-24 NKJV We spend most of our lives comparing ourselves to those around us, gauging the norm by what we see on television and in magazines. It isn't GOD's desire that we live up to worldly standards--we are supposed to set our minds on things above, not things of the world. He created each of us as unique individuals to serve a specific purpose in His Kingdom--we aren't all meant to look & act alike. We are all different for a reason & we each have a uniquely personal relationship with GOD that is like no other person's on earth because we are like no other person on earth. We fill our heads with ideas that we must live in a certain neighborhood, work for a certain company, drive a certain car, possess certain material things--in order to live up to the status quo. None of that stuff really matters! There's no reason to be boastful about our status in life--we need to be bragging on GOD & what He has done for us & those we love. We need to show others that because we are people of faith, because we trust Him to provide for us, because we pray and expect Him to answer--He blesses & honors us as a result. When our time on this earth is done, when we've breathed our last breath and our heart has beat its last, when we find ourselves face to face with the GOD of the universe--He won't be concerned with where we lived or what we possessed, the question He will ask us is, "What did you do with My Jesus?" You see, life isn't about us at all--but how we relate to GOD & His people. If we live a life that points others to Christ, if we treat people with the love & respect they deserve, if we possess a servant's heart, if we live not to amass treasures but to share the blessings GOD bestows on us with those we come in contact with--then, we are living a life that honors GOD & fulfills the plan and purpose He placed us here for. We are blessed so we can be a blessing, we are comforted in our trials so we can comfort others when they are struggling, we overcome so we can help others to be overcomers. We are all a work in progress and that work won't be completed here on earth, it will be done when we reach Heaven. Until then, we have to understand there is pain in the process, but there is purpose in the pain. Don't complain about what you lack & don't brag on your accomplishments--boast on the GOD who met your needs and allowed you to be a blessing to others as a result. Our words have greater power than we realize. Something to ponder... Blessings! Tony

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13 NKJV It's been a couple of years back now that I had the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua with a group from my church, New Life Assembly of God, on a mission trip. I remember the excitement & anticipation before the trip since it was my first opportunity to be part of a mission trip. For years, I had wanted to go on one but something had always interfered with my abiltiy to go. I remember noticing distinct differences when we got off the plane in Managua. First, there were armed guards observing people as they entered the airport. It struck me as odd but in retrospect, it's not such a bad idea--if we had that in America, we might have less terrorism & hijackings. Managua itself was a relatively modern city & in many respects looked like Anytown, USA. We loaded or luggage into the waiting van & were taken to our hotel in a neighboring town near where we planned to work & do crusades. The hotel, while very clean & nice, was far different from what we are accustomed to here in America. It was more of a Bed & Breakfast style place. There was no air conditioning & no hot water & it was much like sharing a dorm with college roommates. I shared a room with 2 other men & there was an ajoining room where the driver & interpreter (both Nicaraguan) stayed. So, five men shared one bathroom--1 shower & 1 toilet. Needless to say we all got pretty comfortable with one another during our time together, but it was fun. I mean you know people when you attend church with them & you know people when you live with them. I'm sure I enlightened them as much as they did me. We worked in an outlying village that was far from modern. It had dirt roads, open air markets, wells, outhouses, and the homes the people lived in were little more than tin shacks with dirt floors. Many of the people had no car--they walked, rode horses, bicycled, whatever was necessary to get where they were going. Small children played naked in open fields & dirt piles. Chickens roamed freely. Livestock were corralled by erecting primitive stockade type fences out of native trees. It was quite an eye-opening experience for me. I've never lived in luxury but even the poorest of Americans have far more than many of the Nicaraguans (Nicas, as they call themselves...) do. What struck me as unusual was how happy & content these people were. They had little & they freely shared what they did have. They showered outdoors in what looked akin to an outhouse by pouring water over their bodies, lathering, and rinsing by pouring water over their bodies again. Yet, when it was time to attend church, go to an evangelistic meeting, etc., they wore their best clothes, they were clean & their white shirts gleamed in the sunlight. It is possible to be poor, yet still be clean & take pride in one's appearance. What a shame so many Americans can't grasp that fact! In general, Americans are spoiled & ungrateful for the blessings they have. Much of the world's population lives in poverty. Yet, they apparently appreciate the little they do have unlike us who are never satisfied and always wanting more, better, newer, whatever. Proverbs 15:16 says, "Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, Than great treasure with trouble." We would do well to heed that and learn to be content regardless of our life's circumstances. We often spend our lives trying to make a living & forget to simply live and enjoy life. As for me, I am far from wealthy yet I still have more stuff than I have need of. Still, I find reason to complain--looking rather at what I feel I am lacking instead of being grateful for what GOD has blessed me with. I have a home--with air conditioning & running hot & cold water. I never go hungry. I possess transportation to get me where I need to go. Near my home are hospitals, supermarkets, churches--I lack for nothing, yet I'm not certain contentment is part of my daily life. I'm sure I need to repent of the sins of discontent, discouragement, a complaining & critical spirit, an many more. Lord, forgive me! Help me to see things through Your eyes, hear things with Your ears. May the things that bring joy to Your heart cause me to rejoice and may the things that break Your heart cause mine to ache as well. I desire to be one in Spirit with GOD, whatever it takes for it is in Him I find strength. How about you? It's something to think about... Blessings! Tony

Friday, February 28, 2014

What Constitutes Sin?

"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:8-9 NKJV SIN...the very word has an ugly ring to it, doesn't it? People have been reluctant to admit they are sinners from the beginning-- since Adam & Eve partook of the tree of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. Oh, we are quick to recognize sin in others' lives, just hesitant to accept that it is a part of our own. None of us are perfect. We all have shortcomings. Yes, we are all sinners--whether we care to admit it or not. Choosing not to acknowledge that fact, does not change the fact in any way. While it may be true that some sin is much more public & has greater consequence in the legal arena of this world, the truth is that it is humans who attempt to grade sin by giving more weight to say...theft in comparison to lying or murder in comparison to gossip. GOD, however, simply sees sin as sin with no distinction. If you notice above, 1 John 1:8-9 simply say sin--nothing about what degree of sin was committed. Romans 3:23 says "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death.." Sin is sin, period. Still, we try to justify our actions and bad decisions by calling it something different because...well, it sound nicer & far less offensive that way. Many pastors fail to preach on sin because they don't wish to offend anyone. They might quit coming to church & we'll loose their tithes or maybe they fill key leadership positions in the church--whatever would we do to fill those slots? I recall a time when the man of GOD spoke with great fervor about the ills of sin & unashamedly called it what it was--not a choice, not blame-shifting and finger-pointing--just purely what it was, SIN. In today's seeker friendly and politically correct churches, our priorities are seriously out of whack. The Bible does not sugarcoat things, it calls things as they are. We would be wise to do the same. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, " Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." The unrighteous? Such were we? Ouch! Preaching on that Sunday is sure to win friends and influence people, huh? It's bound to have people leave the service feeling all warm & fuzzy! But, it's true--we look at others and are repulsed by the obvious sin in their lives. We judge them, we belittle them, we gossip about them. In all our righteousness, we forget that GOD once delivered us from something similar. We feel like we've come so far in our spirituality that we have to wear our church mask & act as if we are something we are not--perfect. Only one perfect person ever walked this earth & what did He get? He was beaten, spit upon and crucified by those He came to save. The pastor delivering Sunday's message--he's a sinner. Sister Sally who sits on the front row each Sunday all decked out in her finest clothes--she's a sinnner. Those who lead music, teach Sunday School, play instruments, take care of the nursery, clean the building--they are all sinners. The saintliest of people all have a past & all are sinners. Humankind shares that as a common bond. Our end, unless we repent, is Hell--and it is what we deserve. Sin will forever separate us from GOD unless we do something about it. Thankfully, GOD loved us enough to provide the atonement for our sins through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Without salvation, we are doomed. If we accept His free gift, Heaven will be our reward. Our goal should be to take as many with us as we can by telling our story of what GOD did in our lives. Jesus bled & died to take our sin burden. We don't have to be weighed down with it any longer, When we do stumble, we must be quick to confess it and ask forgiveness. Are you willing to risk persecution for His sake? He certainly was persecuted for ours... Blessings! Tony

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Don't do Life Alone...

I wish I could tell you all that I'm some kind of spiritual superman, but I'm not. I've made more poor choices in life than I care to recall or you have time to hear. But, I'll give some highlights of my life still the same. I was born into an average middle-class family, the youngest of 3 children. We didn't have a lot but I guess we really didn't realize it. I mean, we had the necessities--food, clothing & shelter--but we were far from well-off. My father worked and my mother was a stay-at-home mom--pretty much your typical Ozzie & Harriet type household. I grew up in church--went to Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, was part of the youth group. I went to public school the first 4 years & then to a private, Christian School where I graduated. So, I was exposed to GOD's Word regularly. As a matter of fact, when I was 8 years old, my grandmother--who incidentally was the godliest woman I ever knew--claimed me for ministry. Now, I gotta tell you, the thought of being a preacher didn't appeal to me in the least--as a matter of fact, the very idea terrified me. So, what did I do? I began running from it. I decided that I could make my own way in life and turned my back on the church--and GOD. I took a path that lead me through much pain & heartache, but it was the road I chose. I was always somewhat mature for my age so consequently I hung out with "friends" who were 2-3 years older than me. As a result, I was introduced to a lot at an early age--smoking, drinking, drugs & sex. At 19, my girlfriend informed me she was pregnant. Wanting to "do the right thing" and wanting to be part of my child's life, I married her. The baby turned out to be twins--a boy & a girl--so at 20, I was married with 2 children. The marriage was a disaster & we knew it early on. It was far from a match made in Heaven & certainly not the way I had pictured my life. To deal with the pain & frustration in my life, I drank. The more miserable & upset I was, the more I drank. I became a full-fledged but functioning alcoholic. When I wasn't a work, I was drinking. The friends I hung out with drank--the coworkers I socialized with after work drank. Alcohol seemed to take over my life and would prove to be my worst demon. In my rebellion, I knew what I was doing was wrong & I knew that GOD had a purpose for my life but the path He had for me seemed too difficult so I refused to surrender my life to Him. About that time, GOD allowed a new friend & coworker to enter my life--in the form of a Baptist preacher. Like GOD, he was able to look past the ugliness of my sin. He visited my home, he knew my family and he welcomed me into his home and life. He was very plain-spoken and brutally honest with me about my situation. It took some time but he eventually made me see the error of my ways & led me to the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." I was a new person & I was excited about what GOD had done for me. I was telling everyone how good GOD is. Unfortunately, my wife did not share my excitement but, I was sure I could win her over. I began attending church again & took my children along. I made new Christian friends. I was baptized and once again, I knew GOD desired me to serve Him. I surrendered my life to Him & publicly acknowledged that I was called to ministry. As you can imagine, I met with strong opposition at home. I was told if I chose to follow this craziness, it would be alone because she had no desire to be a part of it. I trudged along, determined to do what I felt GOD was calling me to do. I quoted Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" frequently and took on more in the church than I really should have. I began working with the children's & youth ministries, joined the church choir, got involved in a Sunday School class & took the lead of the church's men's ministry. I prayed, asking GOD to change the situation in hopes she would feel compelled to join me. She never did. Although looking back I can see there were signs, I was blind to them at the time. She became involved in an extra-marital affair with a co-worker & left despite my efforts to convince her otherwise. So, after 15 years of marriage, I was a single dad raising two teenagers alone and now wearing the label of "divorced" in the church where I had served faithfully. Church people can be hurtful at times & often shoot their wounded. I was approached by one of of the Deacons who informed me that the church had never had a divorced staff member & never would as long as he had any say in the matter. Admittedly, I was far from perfect but to my understanding divorce was not the unpardonable sin--especially when I had not initiated it. Although many people there were kind and understanding, I soon found I no longer fit into the church family I was a part of. Slowly, I began to step back from the various positions I had taken and began seeking spiritual food elsewhere. I became involved in several area ministries for single & single again adults and eventually joined another church that had an active single adult ministry. Dee & I met in that singles group and found we had much in common. We became good friends although we only socialized in group activities as neither of us were particularly looking for a relationship. Having both been previously married to unfaithful spouses, we were leery of marriage. Over time, our relationship grew & we decided to marry. We encountered difficulties but we knew GOD was in it so we persevered. GOD guided and protected us through many trials. Financially, we struggled but GOD saw to it that we never did without and we remained faithful to Him. The children left home to pursue their own lives & we thought we would travel, minister and enjoy life as empty-nesters. We moved to a new town through a job transfer, served as youth leaders & were active in the various ministries of our church there. Then, there was an automobile accident that left Dee with serious back & neck injuries. she had surgeries, used a walker, then a cane and finally was able to walk on her own again. Once again, we were ready to continue on with our lives. We moved again through a job transfer, this time to Daphne. I enrolled in classes through the local Baptist Association's Samford Extension where I completed a certificate program and we both took courses in Biblical Counseling with the intention of using that as a ministry to others. We had plans to retire to the country & live a life of service & ministry in our golden years. Dee struggled with health issues for some time & they eventually claimed her life on May 4, 2011. The past few years have been hard but through it all GOD has sustained me. While I don't understand it all, I know He has a plan for me and I'm waiting to see what doors He chooses to open or close. I recently discovered a passage in Psalms that has offered me reassurance. It's Psalm 57:1-2 which reads, "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by. I will cry out to God Most High, To God who performs all things for me." I was immediately drawn to the "all things" because I claim Romans 8:28 as my life verse. I've come to the conclusion that GOD allowed my life as it has been for a purpose, because I can relate and show compassion to mankind without judgment as I've lived so much of it myself. So, rest assured that GOD has a plan for whatever it is you are dealing with today. None of us are perfect, but GOD loves us in spite of ourselves. We are who we are because of the life experiences we have. GOD uses those experiences, whether good or bad to help mold & shape us into who He wants us to become. Don't try to do life alone, partner with a friend who will hold you accountable and who you can talk openly with. Most of all--give your life to GOD & let Him lead in ALL THINGS...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Beginnings

"Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV It is a New Year--a time of new beginnings, a fresh start. As we walk the road of life, we all hit a few potholes & speedbumps along the way. It may be family & relational issues. It may be financial issues. It may be moral decisions we are faced with. Whatever we encounter is meant to shape us, not to define us. Lord knows, I've suffered my own share of setbacks & failures--truth is, there is very little this world has to offer that has not somehow touched my life through the years. Satan would have us think these things will make us ineffective for the Kingdom & use them to squelch the plans GOD has for our lives. None of us are perfect, we are all born with an inherent sin nature from our natural earthly father, Adam. Paul tells us in Romans 3:23, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Does that mean GOD can't use us? No, it means if we are willing to accept the responsibility for our choices & actions--GOD can use those very things to help us reach out to others facing similar situations. Sometimes the choices of others force bad circumstances on us, but that too, can be used by GOD for good in time to come. Admittedly, it is hard to see GOD in it while we are in the heat of the battle--but in time and looking back in retrospect, we can see how GOD delivered us from much & has and will continue to use it for our good and the good of others as well as for His glory. I feel like I speak & write of this subject often--I suppose because it is I struggle to understand it myself because of the problems I've faced, the poor choices I've made, and the impact that others' decisions & actions have had on me personally. Satan beats me up a lot of days, tells me my past makes me useless in GOD's work, plants seeds of doubt--especially through this credentialing process I've been going through for ministry. However, I'm determined to stay positive & to mine out the nuggets of GOD's Word that pertain to such things. It makes me look not only at the strengths of Biblical characters, but also to study their weaknesses. I find that I see a lot of myself in them & it gives me hope. Hope is what I need. Hope is what we all need. The only true source of hope is in Jesus and an intimate & personal relationship with Him. Each of us needs to turn our attention on cultivating our relationship with GOD, on studying His Word more, on spending more time in prayer--for ourselves, but mostly intercession for others. So many are lost, so may are bound for a devil's Hell--a place not intended for human souls. America needs a true revival & for it to begin, it has to begin within the walls of our homes & churches. So many Christians have become comfortable & complacent that their focus is inward rather than outward. If Jesus is our Lord & Savior, we are to follow His example. As I read the pages of the Bible, I see nowhere that He was concerned for His own needs--but concerned for the lost & dying around Him. We need to grasp that vision and go forth into the world seeking to bring the Gospel to all who will hear. I am speaking to myself as much as anyone else. I know I have many shortcomings & I ask GOD's forgiveness for them and to empower me and embolden me to be His Ambassador. I pray GOD will use me in spite of myself and strengthen others to join me in the battle. The battle is the Lord's, but we have to stand with Him. Are you willing? Time is short, we must act now! Blessings for a healthy, happy & prosperous New Year! Tony