Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Sunday, June 22, 2014

In GOD We Trust?

"It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man." Psalms 118:8 NKJV In GOD we trust...a phrase that is printed on our currency in these United States, but do we really trust GOD? Our forefathers came to this great land in search of freedom--freedom from tyranny and religious oppression. This newly formed & liberated country honored GOD, revered GOD, trusted GOD, and looked to Him for guidance & direction in all things. As the winds of time & the winds of change blew, one thing remained true--GOD was the GOD of America. Various sects & denominations of the Christian faith came into being, They differed in their doctrines, but the core beliefs remained grounded in the Bible. Division did not conquer our faith. But, what happened? Was it the influx of foreigners who brought different religions into our culture? Was it the Hippie culture & the mind-altering drugs that became prominent in the 60s & 70s? Was it Rock & Roll music? Was it the Women's Lib movement? Was it decades of wealth & affluence that caused us as a country to lose our focus, our dependence on GOD? No, it was none of those things. It was a slow, methodical, attack of the enemy that convinced the American church it needed to be tolerant of new ideas--to accept new fads as the norm. And, we took the bait--hook, line & sinker. We became complacent--we settled for the things of the world instead of holding on to the things of GOD. When Clark Gable said "Damn" in Gone With the Wind, Americans were aghast. Look at what Hollywood puts out now and as Christians, not only do we not speak against it--we support it by seeing the trash they produce just as much as those who are lost do. I grew up watching The Wonderful World of Disney & these days, you can't even trust Disney to produce wholesome movies. Things that once were completely unacceptable have now become the norm in this land. Am I endorsing intolerance? No, I am not--just as Jesus went to the lost, the sick, the sinful people of His day--we should do the same. I think it is completely unChristian to be hateful or hurtful towards those with different beliefs & values from our own, but I do think we are to lovingly point them towards the Savior without compromising our own values in the process. We can't do that if we hate & berate them. GOD's Word says the world will know us by our love--our love for one another & our love for the lost. We've blown it and we've blown it big time! We can't even get along within the walls of our churches & within the Christian community, let alone with the outside world. Am I saying I am perfect? Good Heavens, no! I mess up far more often than I'd like to admit. I look at the temporal things of this world far too often rather than focusing on the eternal things of GOD. I can throw a major pity party when things don't go my way--I can whine, moan and complain like the best of them. I'm often trying to pull my foot out of my mouth or end up eating my own words--and can I tell you, they don't taste good! I've got Proverbs 3:5-6 hanging in my bedroom, where I see it before I close my eyes & as soon as I open them again--"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Lord knows I want to live by them, but life beats me up a lot and once again--I find myself looking at what appears real, rather than GOD, Who I know is real. Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, take a deep breath and face the realities of life head-on. GOD never promised us our earthly life would be easy. As a matter of fact, He tells us over & over again not to expect that--but to expect to be mistreated, spoken ill of, & that some of us would lose our lives for our faith. I fear America will soon come to exactly that--a place where Christianity is so despised that those who refuse to deny our faith will suffer not only persecution, but death for our beliefs. All of this because we accepted the lies of the devil and effectively surrendered rather than taking a stand and fighting for what we believe in. People sometimes call me a fanatic. Those who love me generally love me to the utmost & those who hate me, hate me just as intensely. There is rarely a middle ground--but I'm OK with that. I figure if Jesus loved me enough to die for me, the least I can do in return is to live for Him. That means accepting whatever this life holds in store--with all its uncertainties. all its pain. Let me say, Like King David did, "To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation..." Psalms 25:1-5 NKJV Where do you stand? Are you tired of being force-fed the things of this world? Are you willing to suffer for the cause of Christ? We all need to think about this now so the decision is made before the question is asked by someone with a sword or gun in hand... Something to ponder--I know what my answer will be. Blessings! Tony

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