Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13 NKJV It's been a couple of years back now that I had the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua with a group from my church, New Life Assembly of God, on a mission trip. I remember the excitement & anticipation before the trip since it was my first opportunity to be part of a mission trip. For years, I had wanted to go on one but something had always interfered with my abiltiy to go. I remember noticing distinct differences when we got off the plane in Managua. First, there were armed guards observing people as they entered the airport. It struck me as odd but in retrospect, it's not such a bad idea--if we had that in America, we might have less terrorism & hijackings. Managua itself was a relatively modern city & in many respects looked like Anytown, USA. We loaded or luggage into the waiting van & were taken to our hotel in a neighboring town near where we planned to work & do crusades. The hotel, while very clean & nice, was far different from what we are accustomed to here in America. It was more of a Bed & Breakfast style place. There was no air conditioning & no hot water & it was much like sharing a dorm with college roommates. I shared a room with 2 other men & there was an ajoining room where the driver & interpreter (both Nicaraguan) stayed. So, five men shared one bathroom--1 shower & 1 toilet. Needless to say we all got pretty comfortable with one another during our time together, but it was fun. I mean you know people when you attend church with them & you know people when you live with them. I'm sure I enlightened them as much as they did me. We worked in an outlying village that was far from modern. It had dirt roads, open air markets, wells, outhouses, and the homes the people lived in were little more than tin shacks with dirt floors. Many of the people had no car--they walked, rode horses, bicycled, whatever was necessary to get where they were going. Small children played naked in open fields & dirt piles. Chickens roamed freely. Livestock were corralled by erecting primitive stockade type fences out of native trees. It was quite an eye-opening experience for me. I've never lived in luxury but even the poorest of Americans have far more than many of the Nicaraguans (Nicas, as they call themselves...) do. What struck me as unusual was how happy & content these people were. They had little & they freely shared what they did have. They showered outdoors in what looked akin to an outhouse by pouring water over their bodies, lathering, and rinsing by pouring water over their bodies again. Yet, when it was time to attend church, go to an evangelistic meeting, etc., they wore their best clothes, they were clean & their white shirts gleamed in the sunlight. It is possible to be poor, yet still be clean & take pride in one's appearance. What a shame so many Americans can't grasp that fact! In general, Americans are spoiled & ungrateful for the blessings they have. Much of the world's population lives in poverty. Yet, they apparently appreciate the little they do have unlike us who are never satisfied and always wanting more, better, newer, whatever. Proverbs 15:16 says, "Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, Than great treasure with trouble." We would do well to heed that and learn to be content regardless of our life's circumstances. We often spend our lives trying to make a living & forget to simply live and enjoy life. As for me, I am far from wealthy yet I still have more stuff than I have need of. Still, I find reason to complain--looking rather at what I feel I am lacking instead of being grateful for what GOD has blessed me with. I have a home--with air conditioning & running hot & cold water. I never go hungry. I possess transportation to get me where I need to go. Near my home are hospitals, supermarkets, churches--I lack for nothing, yet I'm not certain contentment is part of my daily life. I'm sure I need to repent of the sins of discontent, discouragement, a complaining & critical spirit, an many more. Lord, forgive me! Help me to see things through Your eyes, hear things with Your ears. May the things that bring joy to Your heart cause me to rejoice and may the things that break Your heart cause mine to ache as well. I desire to be one in Spirit with GOD, whatever it takes for it is in Him I find strength. How about you? It's something to think about... Blessings! Tony

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