Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Testimonial, an "oldie goldie" by yours truly

Some of you will remember this, others aren't familiar with it. I think it was the first of my writings I ever shared publicly & that was with the good people of Eastern Valley Baptist in Bessemer, AL. I wrote it around '95-'96 but it is still as true today as it was back then. GOD can take someone bound for hell, turn their lives around and use them for the furtherance of His Kingdom. I am still in awe of Him daily. I'd appreciate your prayers as I seek to serve Him...


By Tony Shoemaker

I walked this earth a lost, lonely soul---
Searching for something to make my life whole.

I looked and I looked, but nothing was there---
Everything I tried caused pain and despair.

GOD called my name, but I turned away---
Saying, “Not now, Lord, maybe someday.”

I kept on going through stubbornness and pride---
Determined to take life’s problems in stride.

Satan presented his temptations and I was weak---
Life held no value and the future seemed bleak.

Drugs, alcohol and sex brought emptiness and pain---
In them I found there was nothing to gain.

GOD kept speaking, day after day---
Saying, “Come Son, I’ll take your troubles away.”

He blessed me with a family, friends and a home---
Yet Satan persuaded me to continue and roam.

One day, I looked back at the suffering I’d bore---
I’d taken and taken, but could stand no more.

Broken and weeping, to GOD I did pray---
Confessing my sins on that glorious day.

With mighty power and grace, He reached out to me---
Saying, “Come Child, I’ve been awaiting thee.”

From that day forward, He’s guided my life---
And eased my burdens, my worries and strife.

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