Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Which Voice? a poem by yours truly...

I wrote this last summer, July I think. There was a time when poems flowed easily but in the past few years, I've only written a few. Anyway, I wanted to share this one called, "Which Voice?"

The voice of the world is calling out,
it starts as a whisper and becomes a shout.
It tells me I am an unworthy one,
unworthy to claim the Blood of GOD’s Son.
It constantly reminds me of where I’ve been,
of my old life--so riddled with sin.
It is the voice of Satan--filled with lies,
to listen to this voice is simply not wise.

The voice of GOD whispers with ease,
soft and gentle as a summer breeze.
It tells me of my worth, through His Son--
I need simply trust Him, the work is already done.
The Holy Spirit’s nudge is ever so mild,
all that is required is the faith of a child.
He doesn’t care what I’ve done or where I’ve been,
The Blood of Christ covers all of my sin.

Which voice will I listen to and heed--
My spirit, my humanity--which do I feed?
To follow the world grants earthly pleasure,
While following GOD promises heavenly treasure.
The final choice, the last vote--it is mine to make,
I and I alone, decide which path I’ll take.
With one, I win--with the other, I lose--
It’s up to me, which one will I choose?

Which voice?

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