Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Monday, November 12, 2018

I'm Tired, Boss...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 Remember the movie, "The Green Mile"? John Coffey made the statement, "I'm tired, boss," to the prison warden regarding the gift he had been given. I always liked that movie & often pondered the potential spiritual connection there. Lately, I have felt a lot like our friend, John Coffey. I'm aware that God has given me gifts and talents to be utilized for the furtherance of the Kingdom and I enjoy what I do. But some days, I simply feel pulled in multiple directions with all sorts of variables thrown in and it completely exhausts me. I find myself saying, "I'm tired, Boss!" just like John did. It's not that I don't appreciate all I have been given & Lord knows my desire is to be used by God to make an eternal difference in the lives of others, I just sometimes feel like I've been put into a blender & life is spinning out of control with a variety of new items (be they hobbies, church, family or work obligations) that mix all in and leave me feeling as if I've been chopped & shredded like the makings of an old-fashioned cole slaw. Sometimes, I just need to merry-go-round of life to stop & let me off for a while--just to catch my breath and regain my wits so I am fit to fight the next round. Still, at the same time, I'm grateful for the opportunities that have been afforded me & the last thing I want to do is complain in any way about what God is doing in and through me. Maybe a vacation is needed, just a time to relax & refresh and not go at a 100 mile per hour rate from 5am-10pm every day. The Tasmanian Devil ain't go nothing on me! I can churn up a lot of dust and make noise but not feel like I am actually accomplishing anything at all. Somehow, God finds a way to use me in spite of me & occasionally someone tells me that something I said or did really made a difference in their life. I know that my rewards are in Heaven & I look forward to the day I arrive to throw those accomplishments at the feet of Jesus and move into a place of peace. For now, life is what it is & I hope to continue forth and make The Father proud of me. It is He who deserves the glory & praise, not myself I'm just hoping to rest a little along the way & be successful in what He has given me to do. My fear is that at times I allow myself to be spread so thin that I'm not effective at anything I'm attempting to do. Surely there are others who can relate... In the end, God is good & I am blessed! He does give me strength to do and I must press on towards the prize that awaits me... Blessings! Tony


  1. I think we all feel like that at times, Tony. We just have to keep on pushing!

  2. Sometimes Satan tries to hinder us ,but in the end we win and he loses.Your blog was well written.

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