Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thank You for the Rain--a poem by me, today--6/22/2011

Thank You for the rains, Dear Lord--

for they hide my tears.

Lord, my heart is heavy--

my mind is filled with fears.

The love I thought would last a lifetime--

is here with me no more.

For she left this world, it's pain and sorrow--

and entered Heaven's door.

While I'm certain her homecoming there--

was joyous from the start,

Her passing from this old world--

has surely broken my heart.

I know she is rejoicing--

in Heaven's great hereafter,

But I miss her touch and her smile--

I long to hear her laughter.

My home feels so empty--

there's such a stillness there.

My heart seems to know no peace--

this grief is hard to bear.

When I catch myself feeling

as if I'm starting to enjoy life,

I feel a twinge of guilt tell me--

I should be mourning for my wife.

How long, Oh Lord, will this last--

this emptiness I feel?

Give me strength to press on--

as I seek to do Your Will.

For now, Lord, my heart cries out--

in anguish and in pain,

Grant me grace, Father, and once again--

thank You for the rain...

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