Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Complacent Christianity...Is it the Pastor's fault?

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV

Who is to blame for the complacency in churches today? While it is true that some preachers lose their zeal for the things of GOD, I propose that the real reason lies with the people--the members of the church body. You see, it doesn't matter how passionate or well-prepared a man of GOD is--if our hearts have grown calloused & we aren't "tuned in" to the things of GOD, the message will never penetrate our hearts.

It's important that we individually prepare ourselves for a time of worship. We do that by spending time in prayer, reading our Bibles and fellowshipping with GOD on a daily basis. We were created for worship but worldly things have distracted us from our original purpose. We've become obsessed with material things that have no place in the spiritual world. In our pursuit of alleged happiness & in effort to keep up with the Joneses, we've effectively sold our birthright to the devil.

Sure, we still go to church & go through the motions but usually it's more so we can check it off our list & say we met our obligation to GOD by attending a Sunday service & placing a check in the offering plate as it passed by. GOD is not satisfied with or amused by our feeble attempts to live a moral life. He desires a deep and intimate, individial relationship with each of us. Until we completely sell out to Him, that cannot be acheived. We must expect to have an experience with GOD if we are to have one.

So, before you accuse your pastor of failing you in his leadership, assess your spiritual condition & see where you stand with GOD. Each of us is responsible for our own relationship with our Creator. Philippians 2:12 tells us to, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Do you love Him? Do you seek Him? Do you obey Him? Do you worship Him?

If we, as individuals, line ourselves up with GOD & His plan for our lives--true revival will break out & a move of GOD such as has never been witnessed before will saturate these United States. Our daily prayer should be, "Lord, send a revival & let it begin in me."


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Moving Forward--Trying to anyway...

Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him. He also shall be my salvation, For a hypocrite could not come before Him. Job 13:15-16 NKJV

I've been feeling a bit Job-ish lately. It seems that my life has been basically put on hold while I try to adjust to my newfound singleness. All the plans I had for my life were "we" plans. They included my wife. Her passing has left a huge hole in my life. We had hopes & dreams and plans for our golden years. Somehow, trying to readjust to life without her just seems wrong in my mind. I don't seem to have much of a purpose anymore.

I know that will change with time as I accept my life for what it is and allow GOD to open & close the appropriate doors to guide me where He chooses to lead. But for the time being, I simply wait. In my mind, I can see Job sitting in sackcloth & ashes mourning his loss. I can relate to him--I know of nothing I could have done differently. I try to live for GOD. I confess my many shortcomings to Him daily. I spend time in prayer & Bible reading every day of my life. Still I'm presently at a loss as to what my life goals should be anymore.

Dee & I had planned to retire to the country. I had hopes for a workshop, a garden, a flock of chickens--just living the simple life and enjoying our life together. I was sure GOD would lead me to a small country church to serve in some capacity. These were things I was certain I had heard from Him. Maybe the country church will still be. Maybe I was off-base with my plans. Possibly there is something altogether different in store for me.

Still, I trust Him. Still, I seek His guidance & direction daily. Wherever He leads, I'll go. I have trusted Him for years & I will not turn my back on Him now. I don't understand this turn my life has taken but I know He uses all things (Romans 8:28) for good. I'll not be a hypocrite, I will follow Him all the days of my life regardless as to how many or few may remain. I'll continue to live for Him & want nothing more than to show the way down the road of life for others and point them to Him.

GOD, keep me ever in the center of Your perfect will in spite of myself...
