Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Revelation...

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV

I had an astonishing revelation today. For months, I have been praying for GOD to change Dee's health situation & to heal her completely. I've bombarded the gates of Heaven, pleaded with GOD and asked others to pray the same. What I failed to realize all this time was that GOD is using this time of trial & testing to prepare us for something great. We know He plans to use us in ministry & have made preparations to do just that. However, we've been viewing this long episode of continued health problems as an attack of satan rather than realizing that GOD uses all things for the good of those who love Him & are called according to His purpose as stated in Romans 8:28, which I happen to claim as my life verse. How could I recite that Scripture for so many years without truly applying it to my life?

The first clue came a few days ago when a dear friend posted a comment to a FaceBook post of mine saying that GOD was using this time to prepare us & that we would have a great testimony as a result. Hmmmm, I thought--could this be? I began reading my Bible and seeking GOD somewhat differently as a result. My actual "Aha moment" came today. I spent the day at the hospital as Dee has been hospitalized several days now & was having a procedure done in the heart cath lab. After they took her back, I stopped by the hospital's gift shop to look around. They have a used book rack that I frequently glance over & usually never see anything that appeals to me.

Today, however, was different. As I studied the books on display, I noticed one titled "Power in Praise" by a gentleman named Merlin Carothers. Being intrigued, I picked it up and thumbed through it. I decided to pay the whopping .50 the gift shop was asking for it so I'd have something to read while I waited. On page 2, Romans 8:28 was quoted along with this, "To praise GOD is to express our acceptance of something that GOD is permitting to happen. So to praise GOD for difficult situations, as sickness or disaster, means literally that we accept its happening as part of GOD's plan to reveal His perfect love for us." My mind was screaming, WHAT? I'm supposed to be thankful & praise GOD for the auto accident & long-term illness that has plagued my beautiful bride for the past 5 years?

The more I read of my bargain book, the more it explained my life verse to me along with several others. Mr. Carothers, having retired as a military chaplain, recounted many stories of personal encounters with people over the years who reacted just as I did. He told of how their situations changed once they came to terms with and accepted their situations. Could it be true? Could GOD use this to build our character, to prepare us, to teach us--so we will be able to minister to others? GOD's Word, my very life verse of Romans 8:28 says "all things" so I'm thinking that's what I was supposed to learn. Why else would GOD place this book in my path at a time when I'm questioning Him about the purpose for Dee's suffering? You might say it's a coincidence, but I choose to believe He was trying to get the message through my thick skull and having a pastor's wife tell me apparently wasn't enough...

So, I'm looking at things differently now. If I am to be a living, breathing testimony of His great love--I have to accept that bad things happen as a part of life and remember the story of Joseph. All the terrible things he endured led him to a place of prominence where he was able to make provision for not only his family, but for all of Egypt. He told his brothers who had sold him into slavery, "you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day" (Genesis 50:20 NKJV).

It is something to think about. Have you been accusing GOD of deserting you as I was? Maybe it's time to rethink His ability to use "all things" for His ultimate glory...


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