Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Surrender--a poem by yours truly

I wrote this some time back, earlier this year anyway, and posted it on FaceBook. Regardless, I wanted to include it here as well...


In the stillness of Your presence,

I humbly bow before You--

I give You honor, give You praise,

Know that I adore You--

I place my life in Your hands,

I know nothing else to do--

I pray for wisdom, ask for grace,

And mercy to see me through--

For my sin sent Jesus to the cross,

He went there in my place--

As He looked out across the ages of time,

I'm certain He saw my face--

Yet willingly He gave His life,

As a selfless act of love--

To show wretched sinners--such as me,

The way to GOD above--

Now take my life and use it--Lord,

Only for your glory--

Give me courage and opportunity,

To share the Gospel story--

Help me know when to act,

And when I should be still--

My heart's desire, my loving Savior,

Is to humbly do Your Will--

Saturday, August 28, 2010

His Purpose...

August 28, 2010

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NKJV

OK, so today is my birthday--49 years ago, I made my appearance into this world. Birthdays have a way of making you think about what you have & have not accomplished in life, choices you've made, a past that one must live with and a future to live for...

Long ago, I adopted Romans 8:28 as my life verse. It speaks to me. I think of where I've been and what GOD has delivered me from, wrong turns I took on this road called life that GOD used for good still the same. Satan constantly reminds me of years of drinking, drugging, promiscuity--horrid things I allowed into my life, a failed marriage, damaged relationships, the list goes on & on. Looking back, I recall those things--but am forgiven and can also see where GOD used them ("all things") to shape me into the man I am today. I truly believe that the life experiences we have, whether good or bad, shape and mold us for the purpose GOD has for each of our lives. After all, our real purpose in life is to glorify Him and reach others with the gospel. Our experiences allow us to relate to and empathize with those going through difficult times, to show them love and acceptance and illuminate the pathway to GOD.

Today, I am thankful for a Christian upbringing that kept me grounded even when I was far away from GOD. I am grateful for Christian family & friends who loved me in spite of myself and continued in prayer for me. I am thankful for a loving wife, who supports me in all ways. Most of all, I am thankful for a GOD of second (third, tenth and hundredth in some cases!) chances who never gave up on me--who has secured my place in Heaven. I pray that those I come in contact with can see past me, with my human frailties and failures, and see The One I serve. My desire is to fulfill His Purpose for my life, whatever it may be and wherever it may lead...
