Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Friday, February 8, 2013

Progress & Political-correctness?

"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV I realize I'm not a young man anymore but I recall a time within my life when things were far different in this world. People looked out for one another. They weren't self-centered like they are today. The world was a far more innocent place. Children were allowed to live their childhood, playing outdoors and feeling perfectly safe doing so. We were taught to respect adults & authority figures, like teachers, police officers, etc. In our schools, the Bible was not only allowed but celebrated. GOD's Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule were the basis of our laws & general teachings. The Gideons passed out Bibles in our schools, we had Christian assemblies & prayer was offered at our sporting events. Couples got married before having children, homosexuality was seen as wrong, parents raised their children to be productive and working responsible members of society. People worked to recieve pay & benefits. Welfare was seen as a short-term assistance for those who fell on hard times or solely to benefit those who were ill, elderly or handicapped. Somewhere along the way, a shift occurred. Suddenly, Christianity was seen as antiquated & obsolete. In our efforts to be "politically correct", we sacrificed our values completely. The things that once were seen purely as SIN, became accepted as normal. Our values completely changed--a total 180 degree shift. Welfare became a lifestyle. Illegitimate children suddenly outnumbered legitimate (products of committed, married adults) children. Homosexuality & other sexual deviations were embraced as "alternative" lifestyles & suddenly became popular. Crime began to run rampant in our land. Children could no longer play outdoors without fear of the adults who should love & protect them from danger. Many Christians simply accepted these changes. Those who spoke out opposing them were labeled at "haters". Christian organizations (including many churches) were deemed to be "hate groups" because they were intolerant of the newly accepted SIN that had received an illegitimate level of acceptance in the name of political correctness. GOD Himself became an outlaw & Christians along with Him. Everything--except GOD & Christians principles--was suddenly acceptable. The world became tolerant to everything that was once taboo and intolerant of anything that hd to do with GOD. Maybe I am the one who is confused, but it all seems wrong. Don't misundertand me--I'm far from a "hater" of any kind. I love people. I want to see people succeed in life. I'm aware we are all sinners & everyone is in need of a Savior. It is not my place to judge anyone, but I am supposed to exercise discernment & godly wisdom in my life & dealings with others. Yet, when I oppose something that GOD calls SIN--I am seen as "politically incorrect" and unwilling to accept progress. Well, if that is the case--then I must be those things. I refuse to accept SIN as normal. I will not bend to the immorality of the world and say it is ok. What I will say its that people need the Lord. Our leadership in this country needs to reinstate godly principles--the things our nation was founded on--as the moral compass for the United States. The US was once a leader in world affairs, a friend of Israel, a nation that saw GOD's blessings as a result. We need to get back to the basics, turn back to GOD, repent of our SIN and allow Him the position of leadership He deserves in our daily lives. Policial correctness and so-called progress are nothing more than a cancer in our midst, a blight on our nation. They will continue to kill our country and its inhabitants unless we return to The One who has the answers. We need to put GOD back in our schools & return to the Biblical morals that once guided us. When we do, GOD will honor His promises. Until we do, the downward spiral into the pits of Hell will continue. The choice is ours, what vote will you cast? As for me, I'm on GOD's side... Blessings! Tony